Friday, February 6, 2009

Flickr and a Hometown Ghost Story

It's interesting to see the wide range of images available.

The Apple Inc. talk tied-in well with this assignment as the presenters spoke of geotags.
These geotags make it easy to search flickr for any city.
When I searched my hometown, some interesting images came up.

I am amazed that people who do urban exploring - going into decommissioned/abandoned buildings without permission - would be bold enough to post photos of their exploits.

I wasn't able to upload any images, but if the links work you could read my short-short story.

Who knew that a Rula 2.0 assignment would lead to a Hometown Ghost Story.

Just take a winter’s walk in the park. Notice that the river stones, lead you to an abandoned paper mill.

If you’re brave, step inside to see- a forgotten newspaper on the floor.

Move down the hallway to the broken door.

Push it open.

Is it a trick of the dust-filled light, or do the green shades of long-departed mill workers still walk the floors?

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